Cross-Platform Measurement

Blockgraph Crosss-Platform Measurement

Deterministically connect delivery data across platforms to a single household ID for measurement of cross-platform reach, frequency, and attribution to understand the value of your media.

Our software and unique peer-to-peer matching technology enables measurement companies or publishers with appropriate permissions to receive a single household ID from identity resolution or distribution partners via Blockgraph’s secure platform.

Enabling Deterministic 
Measurement Securely Cross-Platform

Blockgraph Cross-Platform Measurement helps distributor & media seller measure reach & frequency, attributing business outcomes & conversions

The Challenge

A major distributor and media seller wanted to deterministically measure reach and frequency across all forms of connected TV at the household level, while attributing business outcomes and conversions. And it needed to accomplish this in a way so that no data insights were provided to its brand advertiser, which aligned with its policy of providing data at the aggregated and anonymized level. 

There are a number of challenges that make this difficult:


Each measurement environment has unique audience identity signals to resolve impressions and outcomes: set-top box viewing data is aligned to STB or household IDs, digital delivery data is affiliated with IP addresses or mobile device IDs, and outcomes are associated with a mix of offline or online identifiers.


Measurement companies must obtain permissions for receiving data from distribution partners - each of whom has their own data policies and strategies. Often when data insights are provided to brands or agencies, they must be provided at the aggregated and anonymized level, as they also have their own data policies and strategies.


Current approaches for reconciling digital to linear data require probabilistic approaches.

Blockgraph’s platform enabled the measurement company to resolve digital and linear data that it was receiving via a single Blockgraph ID.

The Solution


Once permissions were set in Blockgraph, the measurement company was able to authenticate linear impressions, digital impressions, and outcome data deterministically to a single pseudonymized Blockgraph ID via direct matching with leading distributors or trusted identity services providers.


The measurement company’s platform was further able to aggregate and anonymize results before surfacing reach, frequency and outcome insights to publisher and its brand advertiser clients.

The End Result

Through its node within Blockgraph’s IDoS, the measurement company was able to offer its advertiser clients a fast, trusted, and privacy-focused way to accurately and cost-efficiently measure reach, frequency, and outcomes across converged TV environments, improving performance and identifying optimizations. At the same time, the measurement company was also able to provide media sellers with insights that proved their media could be optimized to reach the right audiences and drive tangible business outcomes. A true win-win-win proposition.

“By integrating with Blockgraph, Kantar’s match rates with TV partners have increased over 10x, enabling marketers and advertisers greater clarity and granularity for their converged TV campaigns, as well as opening up new opportunities for measurement with smaller campaigns.”

Jed Meyer, SVP, Media Domain Leader


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